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Role of assessment in hiring interns

Written by Amit Mishra | 6/16/14 4:12 AM

The process of hiring interns is a very complex process that requires so much from decision-making and prudence. In a traditional hiring process, it is taking so much time to find perfect people to fit the jobs available. When there is a time restraint, it often leads to inefficiency in the hiring of personnel.

Assessment is a significant part of the recruitment process for any company. Assessments help the companies find and identify the most qualified and competent applicants for every job description. From here, assessment can also lead the hiring interns to find the candidates suited for a job.


Because hiring interns for every position is one of the most important steps in running a company, a manager may look at the following for some tips. When assessing interns, you commonly assess these:

  • Performance from school and internship is very important in the assessment of possible contenders
  • Skills acquired from previous training are also assessed
  • Capacity for analysis is one skill to gauge during assessments
  • Capacity for decision making
  • Working capacity
  •  Drive and enthusiasm
  • Sportsmanship and camaraderie

The role of assessment in hiring interns is not only to make sure that they are the perfect fit for the job, but it is also to prove that an intern can do the task efficiently among many conditions.

Also Read: 7 Steps for Hiring Top-Quality Employees

iMocha can conduct an assessment for you. It helps the company choose people who deserve to be a part of it. It aims to identify who can best satisfy the firm's needs. Assessment is geared towards its goal of finding the perfect one for you.