Hiring is hard. For startups, hiring is harder.
The most difficult thing for startup founders is not raising money, closing deals, doing sales or finding partners. It’s hiring people.
Hiring your first employees is a milestone for any startup founder. It’s a sign your startup is growing and getting traction. If you choose the right people, you’ll get great results. But if you don’t, you risk endangering your entire company.
1. Finding the Best Candidates with shoe-string budget
For startups, finding the right employees is critical in determining the success of the company. To build the team that you want to grow with a company, make sure you take a step back from resumes and candidates’ pre-determined interview responses to look for individuals that will fit your company culture and are eager to learn new tasks in an emerging field.
A common approach for hiring looks something like this:
Instead of this traditional approach, startups should be creative in whatever they do. Building a great team needs some extra creativity, cost and time. The shoe-string budget, especially in the first 3 years or so, will never allow you to invest huge in your hiring process. So to save your cost, time, and get a broader picture of every candidate from the initial screening you can use online skill testing software for building a great team.
1.1 Using Online Testing Software will save your costs
Hiring a new employee costs a lot more than that person’s salary. The hiring costs associated with hiring a productive employee are far less than the cost and overall impact of making a bad hire. The total cost of hiring one new employee could be as high as $12,000, or more.
If a new employee is not a good fit, and terminates after a short period of time, then the company may experience a number of additional costs, including the cost to recruit and train a replacement, as well as the unproductive time that was lost.
Skills assessments are a consistent indicator of future performance. Implementing tests early can drastically reduce the costs associated with turnover by limiting the amount spent on hiring and training employees that may be ill-equipped for the position.
1.2 Using Online Testing Software will lead you to great hires
So to ensure you are hiring the great people every time, it’s pretty important to assess candidates with relevant online skill tests. In addition to saving money and time, there are even more reasons to adopt an online assessment strategy. Online Skill Testing -
Pre-hire assessment tests can help directly with both: by dramatically reducing the time you spend reading resumes and doing interviews, online skill tests will help you reduce your time to hire and costs associated with hiring. And by giving you reliable, objective data that predict job performance, tests help you to increase your quality of hire and reduce the number of bad hires you make.
Now you need to choose valid and reliable online skill testing software to make better hiring decisions. Surely, iMocha can help you.
1.3 Use iMocha’s Online Testing Software
When it comes to online skill testing, no doubt iMocha is the most trusted and used software by the companies of all sizes. iMocha helps startups solve their problem of hiring the right candidate for the available positions. iMocha helps you to reduce the unnecessary elements in hiring process that directly increase the costs and unnecessary time on low-value aspects of recruiting.
With iMocha’s Online Testing Software you can expect –
- Quality Hires
Skill tests are among the most accurate means of predicting candidate’s performance because they can objectively determine the extent to which a candidate has the knowledge, skills, and abilities to perform well at any given job.
- Reduction in Costs
Hiring costs takes up a large chunk of the overall hiring budget. And, you can’t build a BMW when you have budget of building a Hyundai. Online Skill Testing will help you to unnecessary cost in hiring process.
- Reduce Administrative Time
You can reduce up to 90 percent of time spent on the unnecessary elements in the hiring process that directly increase the costs on low-value aspects of recruiting.
- Eliminate hiring errors
A bad hire can be very costly for a startup, surely you don’t want a bad hire at a very initial phase of setting up a company. Skill Testing will help you predict the candidate’s suitability for the job role.
The above are the benefits you will witness using iMocha. Along, with these you will get access to -
- Ready-to-use latest and updated tests
iMocha’s has 1000+ pre-employment skill assessment tests with a balanced mix of theory and practical questions. Employers can easily evaluate candidate’s knowledge on various concepts and coding too. iMocha skill assessment can assist you in achieving the proper job fit between the applicant and the job you are hiring for.
- Complete Test Analysis
iMocha Analytics offers a set of integrated data and hiring analytics, reports designed specifically for the needs of hiring managers and recruiters.
- Customization of Tests
Most of the iMocha’s customers look for customized tests. The customized tests are created keeping in mind the job role the company is hiring for. This provides a greater flexibility and reduces the time of recruiting team involved in tests creation.
And, below you can see how much you can save using iMocha’s skill assessment tests.
Why not give a try once! Maybe a major portion of your costs will be saved.
2. Building a great team with Better Hiring Analytics
Apart from online testing software, iMocha also provides advanced hiring analytics. These hiring analytics, will help you streamline the selection process, ensures best-fit and faster decisions.
Pheww...! Filtering candidates was never too easy!
You now have an ready to use tests, built-in reports, the percentile of candidates, hiring analytics, ease to access, and everything at a go.
Got a question, some feedback or suggestion!
If you are a startup, looking for better hiring results write to us in the comments section below or simply shoot us a mail on support@imocha.io