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iMocha Introduces Specialized Skill Bank for Coding Tests

Written by Deval Solanki | 6/7/21 1:42 PM

Over the past few months, we researched the most in-demand programming languages for job openings that require coding skills. We went through a number of surveys, including the LinkedIn surveys, and heard from the top recruiters in the IT industry. Via this process, we learned about the top coding skills and the languages top firms are hiring for.

And after processing that information, data, and surveys, iMocha is introducing its Specialized Skill Banks.

In addition to our existing coding offerings, which include programming languages such as C, C++, Java, C#, and Python, we have launched a separate specialized skill bank that includes concepts and skills relevant to the languages such as Scala, Go, Bash, Perl, Android, JavaScript, and iOS for coding and MySQL, MS SQL, SQLite for databases.

These skill banks are designed to include only topics relevant to those languages that will test the candidate's proficiency and understanding of that language. These skills are kept up to date by adding new questions to each skill bank on a regular basis. This ensures that the coding problem statements are up to date.

According to the most recent Stack Overflow developer survey, developers who primarily use Scala, Go, and Objective-C earn the highest salaries in the United States; Kotlin, Perl, and Ruby developers are also well compensated. So we thought we'd give an overview about them here:


Scala is primarily used in the development of backends for large applications, as it's really productive. It enables developers to reduce the size of the source code by a factor of at least 2 or 3 compared to Java.

Advantages of Scala:

  • Object-Oriented and Functional Coding Paradigms: Scala supports both object-oriented and functional coding paradigms. Developers can combine the benefits of both approaches to produce code that is Concise and Functional
  • Java Compatibility and Interoperability: Although Scala is a different language than Java, it does not necessitate developers innovating. Scala allows for Java compatibility and interoperability, allowing developers to:
    1. Take advantage of the JVM's benefits
    2. Use Java libraries
  • Less error-prone functional style
  • High maintainability and productivity
  • High scalability
  • High testability
  • Provides features of concurrent programming

Scala Example questions that can be asked in an interview:

  • What are the four types of Scala identifiers?
  • What is a ‘Scala set’? What are the methods through which operation sets are expressed?
  • What is pattern matching?


Despite the fact that it was founded in 2009, it has only recently started gaining popularity. It's an open-source programming language for quickly creating simple, efficient, and dependable code blocks.

In the February 2020 StackOverflow survey in which nearly 65000 developers responded, Golang was ranked fifth on the list of most popular programming languages, and developers who use it want to keep using it in the future.

Advantages of Go languages:

  • Simple and Easy
  • Open-source
  • Easily maintainable
  • Same as C programming language
  • Garbage Collection
  • Ideal for multi-core processors
  • Quick Compilation
  • Non-Synchronous

Hiring Go Developers

The most difficult task is finding Go programmers who are familiar with the game. There is a dearth in relevant candidates (such as Android, Java, Python, PHP, and so on), and finding the best one, who also aligns with the company’s value and is a culture fir, takes time. So, talent professionals will have to find unconventional methods of sourcing.

Go Example questions that can be asked in an interview

  • How do you check a variable type at runtime?
  • How do we perform inheritance with Golang?
  • What are Lvalue and Rvalue in Golang?


Bash (AKA Bourne Again Shell) is a type of interpreter that processes shell commands. A shell interpreter accepts plain text commands and uses them to invoke Operating System services. Bash is an enhanced version of Sh (Bourne Shell). Shell scripting is the process of writing a program for the shell to run, and a shell script is a file or program that the shell will run. A shell script is a complete programming language in and of itself. It can define variables and functions, as well as perform conditional execution of shell commands.

Bash Example questions that can be asked in an interview:

  • What types of variables are used in bash?
  • How to use command-line arguments in bash?
  • How can subroutines be declared and called in bash?


Finding a skilled and experienced iOS Developer can be tricky as knowledge of a number of things is required. Some of them are:

1. UI/UX

2. Architectural patterns

3. iOS frameworks

4. Networking

IT companies usually prefer to hire candidates in three roles when it comes to hiring an iOS developer.

  • Junior iOS Developer
    This is an entry-level profile and the candidate would have a basic understanding of the iOS environment and its framework
  • Mid-Senior iOS Developer
    A mid-senior developer, in addition to the knowledge of a junior iOS developer, has:
    1. The ability to write software in both Objective-C and Swift.
    2. A working knowledge of SQLite, Core Data, and offline caching logic.
    3. Understanding of asynchronous programming, Networking, Multithreading in iOS.
    4. Knowledge of how push notifications work.
  • Senior iOS Developer
    Generally, a senior-level position's responsibilities include not only coding and designing, but also testing, debugging, reviewing code, integrating APIs, and dealing with security issues.

iOS Developer Example questions that can be asked in an interview:

  • What’s the difference between frame and bounds?
  • Explain the different types of iOS Application States.
  • Which JSON framework is supported by iOS?

Also Read:  iOS Objective C Interview Questions 


Here are the hard skills an android developer should have:

  • Java 
    Java is the most popular programming language for developing Android apps, so proficient knowledge of Java is required.
  • Android SDK (software development kit)
    It is a set of tools used to create apps for Android. A developer should understand views, layouts, user input, activities, and their lifecycle, and so on.
  • Working with APIs
    Android developers are expected to be familiar with APIs. Test the candidate's understanding of XML/SOAP and JSON/REST APIs to see if they are competent in this area.
  • Understanding of back-end
    A basic understanding of the backend side of the development process is a must.

Android Developer Example questions that can be asked in an interview:

  • What is the Android Architecture?
  • What is the importance of having an emulator within the Android environment?
  • What items are important in every Android project?

Also Read: Top 50 Android Interview Questions to Hire Android Developer


Firstly, let us understand why do we need databases? The rapid explosion of data necessitates the need for a location to efficiently store and retrieve data. Living in today's age which is also called a digital age or the age of data, storing organized data, which can be accessed electronically, is a must. The following operations can be performed on databases viz. Store, Update, Delete, and Search for which you require some database management system.

MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that facilitates data storing, modifying, and management in a tabular format.

MySQL Example questions that can be asked in an interview

  • What is MySQL? And why is it so popular?
  • What are the different ways to join tables in MySQL?
  • What is a LIKE statement? Explain % and _ in LIKE.

How iMocha Help Companies Hire the Right Developers:

  • MCQ questions:
    Pre-screen candidates by testing their technical or domain knowledge on basic questions. This technical screening process will screen candidates who have obvious knowledge gaps, saving the organization the time and resources required for a thorough technical skills assessment and helping to streamline the hiring process.
  • Coding Tests:
    If you wish to do a thorough coding assessment, you can use iMocha’s Coding Tests. Using this test, you’ll understand the candidate’s logical skills and understanding of the programming language.
  • Live Coding Interview:
    This is a modern take on the whiteboard coding interview process; it involves the candidate and one to three interviewers. The candidate writes the code live, while the others review it and ask questions on the basis of the code your candidates have written. This process will help you assess the communication and collaboration abilities of the candidate, which are equally important, as well as an extensive coding interview test, will help you assess your candidate's technical knowledge.
  • Skills Library:
    In addition to these, iMocha has the world's largest skills assessment library from which you can select the required online test that suits your requirements the best. Moreover, you can upload your own questions, that belongs to your niche, to assess accurately.