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100+ SharePoint Framework (SPFx) Interview Questions And Answers

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16 June, 2016


Are you an expert in SharePoint? Looking out for a new job switch? 

Don't worry, we've got the perfect solution for your job interview preparation. 

A SharePoint Framework Developer is someone who uses .NET technology to construct SharePoint (SPFX) server portals. He is responsible for developing and maintaining the site, as well as ensuring that the existing portals are maintained on a daily basis. For development, Visual Studio is used. To get the position, you'll need to know how to use Sharepoint,.NET, C#, and Java Script.

To assess a SharePoint developer this post guides you to the essential skills to look in for SharePoint developers, the Sharepoint framework interview questions, and how you can evaluate the candidates for their skills.

Apart from that, you can also check out our online assessment software that provides a variety of quality tests that you can use.

Below are the SharePoint online developer interview questions and answers which makes you comfortable to face the interviews:

Q1. What Are The New Delegate Controls In Sharepoint?

In Sharepoint, three New Delegate Controls have been Introduced for the purpose of displaying the new Top Suite bar (with links SkyDrive, NewsFeed, Sync, follow).

These Controls are :

  • SuiteBarBrandingDelegate delegate Control
  • SuiteLinksDelegate delegate Control
  • PromotedActions Delegate Control

Q2. What Are The Changes In Csom And Rest Based Apis?

Microsoft has improved both Client Side Object Model (CSOM) and Representational State Transfer (REST) based APIs by adding much-needed support for the Search, User Profiles, Taxonomies, and Publishing Object Model.Client.svc service is extended with REST capabilities and accepts HTTP GET, PUT, POST requests.

Q3. How Does An App For Sharepoint Requests Permissions To Access Sharepoint Resources?

An app for SharePoint requests the permissions that it needs during installation from the user who is installing it and then the developer of an app must request, through the app manifest file, the permissions an app needs.

Q4. What Is The New Spsecurityeventreceiver?

Sharepoint Introduces a Cloud App Model that enables you to Create apps. Apps for SharePoint are self-contained pieces of functionality that extend the capabilities of a SharePoint website. An app may include SharePoint components such as lists, workflows, and site pages, but it can also surface a remote web application and remote data in SharePoint.

Q5. What Are The Differences Between The Two Base Classes And What Are The Inherit Benefits Of Using One Over Another?

The difference is Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart base class is meant for backward compatibility with previous versions of SharePoint. The benefit of using the SharePoint WebPart base class is it supported:

  • Cross page connections
  • Connections between Web Parts that are outside of a Web Part zone
  • Client-side connections (Web Part Page Services Component)
  • Data caching infrastructure

NET 2.0 WebParts are generally considered better to use because SharePoint is built upon the ASP.NET 2.0 web architecture. Inheriting from the ASP.NET 2.0 base class offers you features that inherit to ASP.NET 2.0, such as embedding resources as opposed to using ClassResources for the deployment of said types.

Q6. What Is The Gac?

The GAC stands for the global assembly cache. It is the machine-wide code cache that will give custom binaries place into the full trust code group for SharePoint. Certain SharePoint assets, such as Feature Receivers need full trust to run correctly and therefore are put into the GAC. You should always try to avoid deployment to the GAC as much as possible since it will possibly allow the development code to do more than it was intended to do.

Q7. What Is Strong Naming (signing) A Web Part Assembly File Mean?

Signing an assembly with a strong name (a.k.a strong naming) uses a cryptographic key pair that gives a unique identity to a component that is being built. This identity can then be referred to throughout the rest of the environment. In order to install assemblies into the GAC, they must be strongly named. After signing, the binary will have a public key token identifier which can be used to register the component in various other places on the server.

Q8. What Are Safe Controls, And What Type Of Information, Is Placed In That Element In A Sharepoint Web.config File?

When you deploy a WebPart to SharePoint, you must first make it a safe control to use within SharePoint in the web.config file. Entries made in the safe controls element of SharePoint are encountered by the SharePointHandler object and will be loaded in the SharePoint environment properly, those will not be loaded and will throw an error.

In the generic safe control entry (this is general, there could be more), there is generally the Assembly name, the namespace, the public key token numeric, the type name, and the safe declaration (whether it is safe or not). There are other optional elements.

Q9. What Is The Createchildcontrols() Method? How Can You Use It To Do Something Simple Like Displaying A Label Control?

The CreateChildControls method in WebParts is used to notify the WebPart that there are children controls that should be output for rendering. Basically, it will add any child ASP.NET controls that are called instantiating each control with its relevant properties set, wire any relevant event handlers to the control, etc.

Then the adding the method of control class will add the control to the controls collection. In the relevant WebPart render method, the EnsureChildControls method can be called (or set to false if no child controls should be called) to ensure that the CreateChildControls method is run. When using CreateChildControls it implies that your WebPart contains a composition of child controls.

In order to create something like a label control in Create, you would create a new label control using the new keyword, set the various properties of the control like Visible=True and ForeColor = Color.Red, and then use Controls.Add(myLabelControl) to add the control to the controls collection. Then you can declare EnsureChildControls in the Render method of the WebPart.

Q10. What Does The Rendercontents Method Do In An 2.0 Web part?

The render contents method will render the WebPart content to the writer, usually an HtmlTextWriter since WebParts will output to an HTML stream. RenderContents is used to tell how the controls that are going to be displayed in the WebPart should be rendered on the page.

Q11. What Is The Webpartmanager Sealed Class? What Is Its Purpose?

The WebPartManager sealed class is responsible for managing everything occurring on a WebPart page, such as the WebParts (controls), events, and misc. functionality that will occur in WebPartZones. For example, the WebPartManager is responsible for the functionality that is provided when you are working with moving a WebPart from WebPartZone to WebPartZone. It is known as the central class of the Web Part Control Set.

Q12. What Is A Spsite And Spweb Object, And What Is The Difference Between Each Of The Objects?

The SPSite object represents a collection of sites (site collection [a top-level site and all its subsites]). The SPWeb object represents an instance SharePoint Web, and the SPWeb object contains things like the actual content. An SPSite object contains the various subsites and the information regarding them.

Q13. How Would You Go About Getting A Reference To A Site?

< view plain text >
SPSite = new  SPSite(“http:/server”);
SPWeb = SPSite.OpenWeb();

Q14. What Does A Spwebapplication Object Represent?

The SPWebApplication objects represent a SharePoint Web Application, which essentially is an IIS virtual server. Using the class you can instigate high-level operations, such as getting all the features of an entire Web Application instance or doing high-level creation operations like creating new Web Applications through code.

Q15. Would You Use Spwebapplication To Get Information Like The Smtp Address Of The Sharepoint Site?

Yes, since this is a Web Application level setting. You would iterate through each SPWebApplication in the SPWebApplication collection, and then use the appropriate property calls (OutboundMailServiceInstance) in order to return settings regarding the mail service such as the SMTP address.

Q16. How Do You Connect (reference) To A Sharepoint List, And How Do You Insert A New List Item?



< view plain text >

using(SPSite mySite = new SPSite(“yourserver”))


using(SPWeb myWeb = mySite.OpenWeb())


SPList interview List = myWeb.Lists[“list insert”];

SPListItem newItem = interview List.Items.Add();

newItem[“interview”] = “interview”;





Q17. How Would You Loop Using Split Through All Sharepoint List Items, Assuming You Know The Name (in A String Value) Of The List You Want To Iterate Through, And Already Have All The Site Code Written?

< view plain text >
SPList interviewList = myWeb.Lists[“listtoiterate”];
foreach (SPListItem interview in interviewList)
// Do Something

Q18. How Do You Return Sharepoint List Items Using Sharepoint Web Services?

In order to retrieve list items from a SharePoint list through Web Services, you should use the lists.asmx web service by establishing a web reference in Visual Studio. The lists.asmx exposes the GetListItems method, which will allow the return of the full content of the list in an XML node.

It will take parameters like the GUID of the name of the list you are querying against, the GUID of the view you are going to query, etc.

Q19. When Retrieving List Items Using Sharepoint Web Services, How Do You Specify Explicit Credentials To Be Passed To Access The List Items?

In order to specify explicit credentials with a Web Service, you generally instantiate the web service and then using the credentials properties of the Web Service object you use the System.Net.NetworkCredential class to specify the username, password, and domain that you wish to pass when making the web service call and operations.

Q20. What Is Caml, And Why Would You Use It?

CAML stands for Collaborative Application Markup Language. CAML is an XML-based language that provides data constructs that build up the SharePoint fields, view, and is used for table definition during site provisioning.
CAML is responsible for rending data and the resulting HTML that is output to the user in SharePoint. CAML can be used for a variety of circumstances, overall is used to query, build and customize SharePoint-based sites.
A general use would be building a CAML query in a SharePoint WebPart in order to retrieve values from a SharePoint list.

Q21. What Is Impersonation, And When Would You Use Impersonation?

Impersonation can basically provide the functionality of executing something in the context of a different identity, for example assigning an account to users with anonymous access. You would use impersonation in order to access resources on behalf of the user with a different account, that normally, wouldn’t be able to access or execute something.

Q22. What Is The IDesign Times Html Provider Interface, And When Can You Use It In Webparts?

The IDesign Times Html Provider interface uses the function GetDesignTimeHtml() which can contain your relevant render methods. It was helpful to use in 2003 since it allowed your WebPart to have a preview while a page was edited in FrontPage with the Webpart on it because the GetDesignTimeHtml() method contains the HTML for the designer to render.

Q23. What Are Webpart Properties, And What Are Some Of The Attributes You See When Declaring Webpart Properties In Code?


WebPart properties are just like ASP.NET control properties, they are used to interact with and specify attributes that should be applied to a WebPart by a user. Some of the attributes you see with ASP.NET 2.0 properties are WebDescription, WebDisplayName, Category, Personalizable, and WebBrowsable. Although most of these properties come from the System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts class, ones like Category come out of System.ComponentModel namespace.


Q24. Why Are Properties Important In Webpart Development, And How Have You Exploited Them In Past Development Projects? What Must Each Custom Property Have?


Properties are important because WebParts allow levels of personalization for each user. WebPart properties make it possible for a user to interact, adjust, and increase overall experience value with the programmatic assets that you develop without having the need to use an external editor or write any code.


A very simple example of exploiting a property would be something like allowing the user to change the text on the WebPart design interface so that they can display whatever string of text they desire.


Each custom property that you have must have the appropriate get and set accessor methods.


Q25. What Are Classresources? How Do You Reference And Deploy Resources With An 2.0 Webpart?

ClassResources are used when inheriting from the SharePoint.WebPart.WebPartPages.WebPart base class, and are defined in the SharePoint solution file as things that should be stored in the wp resources directory on the server. It is a helpful directory to use in order to deploy custom images. In ASP.NET 2.0, typically things such as images are referenced by embedding them as resources within an assembly. The good part about ClassResources is they can help to eliminate recompiles to change small interface adjustments or alterations to external JavaScript files.

Q26. What Is A Sharepoint Solution File? How Does It Differ From Files In Legacy Development? What Does It Contain?

A SharePoint solution file is essentially a .cabinet file with all a developer’s custom components suffixed with a .wsp extension that aids in deployment. The big difference with SharePoint solution files is is that a solution: allows deployment to all WFE’s in a farm is highly manageable from the interface allowing deployment, retraction, and versioning Can package all types of assets like site definitions, feature definitions (and associated components), Webparts, etc.

Q27. What Is A .ddf File And What Does It Have To Do With Sharepoint Solution Creation?


A .ddf file is a data directive file and is used when building the SharePoint solution bundle specifying the source files and their destination locations. The important thing for someone to understand is that the .ddf file will be passed as a parameter to the MAKECAB utility to orchestrate the construction of the SharePoint solution file.


Q28. What File Does A Sharepoint Solution Package Use To Orchestrate (describe) Its Packaged Contents?

The solution Manifest.XML file.

Q29. What Deployment Mechanism Can You Use To Instigate Code Access Security Attributes For Your Webparts?

SharePoint solution files can add in order to handle code access security deployment issues. This is done in the element in the SharePoint solution manifest.XML, which makes it easier to get assemblies the appropriate permissions in order to operate in the bin directory of the web application.

Q30. What Is A Sharepoint Feature? What Files Are Used To Define A Feature?

A SharePoint Feature is a functional component that can be activated and deactivated at various scopes throughout SharePoint instances, such as at the farm, site collection, web, etc.

Features have their own receiver architecture, which allows you to trap events such as when a feature is installing, uninstalling, activated, or deactivated. They are helpful because they allow ease of upgrades and versioning.

The two files that are used to define a feature are the feature.xml and manifest files. The feature XML file defines the actual feature and will make SharePoint aware of the installed feature. The manifest file contains details about the feature such as functionality.

Q31. What Types Of Sharepoint Assets Can Be Deployed With A Sharepoint Feature?

Features can do a lot. For example, you could deploy

  • Simple site customizations
  • Custom site navigation
  • WebParts
  • Pages
  • List types
  • List instances
  • Event handlers
  • Workflows
  • Custom actions
  • Just to name a few

Q32. What Are Event Receivers?

Event receivers are classes that inherit from the SpItemEventReceiver or SPListEventReceiver base class (both of which derive out of the abstract base class SpEventReceiver Base), and provide the option of responding to events as they occur within SharePoint, such as adding an item or deleting an item.

Q33. When Would You Use An Event Receiver?

Since event receivers respond to events, you could use a receiver for something as simple as canceling an action, such as deleting a document library by using the Cancel property. This would essentially prevent users from deleting any documents if you wanted to maintain retention of stored data.

Q34. What Base Class Do Event Receivers Inherit From?

Event receivers either inherit from the SPListEventReceiver base class or the SPItemEventReceiver base class, both of which derive from the abstract base class SPEventReceiverBase.

Q35. What Is The Difference Between Asynchronous And Synchronous Event Receivers?

An asynchronous event occurs after an action has taken place, and the asynchronous event occurs before an action has taken place. For example, an asynchronous event is ItemAdded, and its sister synchronous event is ItemAdding.

Q36. How Could You Append A String To The Title Of A Site When It Is Provisioned?

In the OnActivated event:
< view plain text >
SPWeb site = siteCollection.RootWeb;
site.Title+= ”interview”;

Q37. Can An Event Receiver Be Deployed Through A Sharepoint Feature?


Q38. What Is A Content-Type?

A content type is an information blueprint basically that can be re-used throughout a SharePoint environment for defining things like metadata and associated behaviors. It is basically an extension of a SharePoint list, however makes it portable for use throughout an instance regardless of where the instantiation occurs, ergo has location independence.
Multiple content types can exist in one document library assuming that the appropriate document library settings are enabled. The content type will contain things like the metadata, list form pages, workflows, templates (if a document content type), and associated custom written functionality.

Q39. Can A Content-Type Have Receivers Associated With It?

Yes, a content type can have an event receiver associated with it, either inheriting from the SPListEventReceiver base class for list level events or inheriting from the SPItemEventReceiver base class. Whenever the content type is instantiated, it will be subject to the event receivers that are associated with it.

Q40. What Two Files Are Typically (this Is Kept Generally) Included When Developing A Content-Type, And What Is The Purpose Of Each?

There is generally the main content type file that holds things like the content type ID, name, group, description, and version. There is also the ContentType.Fields file which contains the fields to include in the content type that has the ID, Type, Name, DisplayName, StaticName, Hidden, Required, and Sealed elements. They are related by the FieldRefs element in the main content type file.

Q41. What Is An Ancestral Type And What Does It Have To Do With Content Types?

An ancestral type is the base type that the content type is deriving from, such as Document (0×0101). The ancestral type will define the metadata fields that are included with the custom content type.

Q42. Can A-List Definition Be Derived From A Custom Content Type?

Yes, a list definition can derive from a content type which can be seen in the schema.XML of the list definition in the element.

Q43. When Creating A-List Definition, How Can You Create An Instance Of The List?

You can create a new instance of a list by creating an instance.XML file.

Q44. What Is A Field Control?

Field controls are simple ASP.NET 2.0 server controls that provide the basic field functionality of SharePoint. They provide basic general functionality such as displaying or editing list data as it appears on SharePoint list pages.

Q45. What Base Class Do Custom Field Controls Inherit From?

This varies. Generally, custom field controls inherit from Microsoft. SharePoint.WebControls.BaseFieldControl namespace, but you can inherit from the default field controls.

Q46. What Is A Sharepoint Site Definition? What Is Ghosted (uncustomized) And Unghosted (customized)?

SharePoint site definitions are the core set of functionality from which SharePoint sites are built, building from the SiteTemplates directory in the SharePoint 12 hive.
Site definitions allow several sites to inherit from a core set of files on the file system, although appear to have unique pages, thereby increasing performance and allowing changes that happen to a site to propagate to all sites that inherit from a site definition.

Ghosted means that when SharePoint creates a new site it will reference the files in the related site definition upon site provisioning.

Unhosted means that the site has been edited with an external editor, and therefore the customizations are instead stored in the database, breaking the inheritance of those files from the file system.

Q47. What Does Cmdui.xml Contain?

The definitions for the out-of-the-box ribbon elements are split across several files in the SharePoint root, with TEMPLATE GLOBAL XML CMDUI.XML being the main one.

Q48. Why Would You Use Linq Over Caml For Data Retrieval?

Unlike CAML, with LINQ to SharePoint provider, you are working with strongly typed list item objects. For example, an item in the Announcements list is an object of type Announcement and an item on a Tasks list is an object of type Task. You can then enumerate the objects and get the properties for your use. Also, you can use LINQ syntax and the LINQ keywords built into C# and VB for LINQ queries.

Q49. What Is the Difference Between Load() And Loadquery() Methods?

Load method populates the client object directly with what it gets data from the server i.e. a collection object like ListItemCollection etc. but LoadQuery returns the data as a completely new collection in IEnumerable format.
Another major difference is that the Collections that you load using the Load() method are eligible for garbage collection only when the client context variable itself goes out of scope whereas, these collections go out of scope at the end of the IEnumerable list

Q50. How Do You Access Ecmascript Object Model Api’s?

The ECMAScript library is available in a number of JS files in the LAYOUTS folder. The main file among a number of .js files is SP.js. When you include this file in the ASPX page using a ScriptLink control, all other required JS files are loaded automatically.
By linking SP.js to your page, the SP namespace gets registered. SP is the SharePoint namespace that contains all objects. For debugging purposes, every js file also has a ‘debug’ equivalent in the same folder.

Q51. What Is The Purpose Of Calling Clientcontext.executequery()?

ExecuteQuery gives you the option to minimize the number of roundtrips to the server from your client code. All the components loaded into the client context are executed in one go.

Q52. Can You Deploy .wsp Solutions From Sharepoint 2010 In Sharepoint?

Yes. Sharepoint provides Support for both 14 Hive and 15 Hive. Solutions from SharePoint 2010 can be deployed in Sharepoint either in 14 Hive,15 Hive or both. This can be done using the new “CompatibilityLevel” parameter of Install-SPSolution cmdlet with which you can now Deploy your wsp Solutions to 14 hive, 15 hive or both.

Q53. Can You Create & Deploy Sandbox Solutions In Sharepoint?

Sandbox Solutions are depreciated in Sharepoint. You can still Create them and deploy them but they are not supported by Microsoft (not 100% sure about this though).

Q54. What Is The New Js Link Property On Spfield?

New “SPField.JSLink” property has been added to help specify any external JavaScript file Containing any Rendering logic for Out-of-Box or Custom field type. With JSLink developers can now Control the Rendering (the presentation and validation) of any Field (Custom or Out-of-box) on List forms as well as in Views by simply adding a reference to an External or deployed JavaScript file.

Q55. Is Callout Popups A Replacement To Dialogs In Sharepoint?

No. Dialog Framework still exists.

Q56. What Are Callout Popups In Sharepoint?

Similar to the Dialog framework in SharePoint, Microsoft has added a new Callout Popup framework to Create Hover Popups that you know as Preview Windows as well. These NotificationTooltipHelp Callout Popups can be fully Customized to add Custom Text & Actions for guiding End-users.

Q57. Can We View Pdf Files In Callout Popups?

Yes. A Custom Result type and Display template would be needed.


Q58. Are There Any Changes To Solutions Deployed In Bin Directory And Gac In Sharepoint?

You can no longer add partial trust Solution Packages to the bin directory. Any files deployed to the bin directory must be fully trusted. Any deployment scripts need to be updated to make sure that they specify the correct trust level. After the release of .NET Framework 4.0, the GAC was split into two, one for each CLR.
c:windowsassembly is the location for .NET versions 1.0 through 3.5 and c:windowsmicrosoft.netassembly is location for all the dlls for project Created in .NET Framework 4.0.

Q59. How Are Sandbox Solution Migrated In Sharepoint?

Sandbox Solutions are upgraded with Content databases.

Q60. What’s New With Visual Webpart In Sharepoint?

A new Visual WebPart Template has been added to Visual Studio 2012 for Creating Visual Webparts for Sharepoint. In this new Template, both the User Control and WebPart Classes are merged to Create one template unlike SharePoint 2010 where you had a separate ascx and webpart file. Also, now you can Create both Sandbox and Farm solutions using Visual WebPart Template.

Q61. What’s The New Tilesviewwebpart In Sharepoint?

Sharepoint Introduces a new “Getting Started” WebPart that has “Tiles” to provide easy access to some of the main links in the Site like – adding lists libraries, Creating a master page, etc. To Programmatically Create this new WebPart a new abstract base class TilesViewWebPart has been added in SharePoint API. You have to Create a Custom Webpart and Inherit from TilesViewWebpart and Override GetTiles() to Create Custom tiles.

Q62. Why Should A Company Migrate To Sharepoint?

Microsoft has added some Incredible features to Sharepoint that can be of huge benefit to all the Companies that use SharePoint on a large scale. Most of the new Features are Introduced for Improving SharePoint Performance (for both Browser and SQL) and to enhance the famous Web Content Management Capabilities. There is an Improvement for all – end-users, developers, and IT administrators.

Q63. What Is The Licensing Model For Sharepoint?

With Sharepoint Microsoft has Introduced User License Enforcement Capabilities – that means different licenses can be assigned to different users based on Active Directory security groups that are added in.
A group of admins, for example, would need features that are offered by Enterprise license but a group of end users on the other hand can work with Standard license and would not need to pay more.
By default the User License Enforcement is disabled and must first be enabled to begin assigning, using, and implementing user licensing capabilities.

Q64. How Does Sharepoint Improve Performance?

Sharepoint Introduces Minimal Download Strategy and Distributed Cache Service to Improve Page Load, and Shredded Storage the to Improve Storage required for saving files.

Q65. What Is Minimal Download Strategy?

Minimal Download Strategy in SharePoint improves rendering performance when browsing content where large parts of the page do not change providing a more fluid navigation experience. For example when navigating between a site? home page and Shared Documents page only the Content that has changed between the source and destination page (controls and placeholders in the content area) are downloaded and Url subsequently updated where the chrome is persisted.

Q66. How Does Shredded Storage Work?

Every Document in Sharepoint is now stored as multiple threaded BLOBS in the new Streams data table. Whenever a new version of a document is created, a new Record is written in this data table that contains only the thread BLOBS of the original document that corresponds to the Change, merged with the new Changes.

In other words, a new Blob with Changes is added as a new row in the table. Each BLOB that gets added Contains a numerical Id that represents the source BLOB.
In the end, it is the job of the BLOB Index to keep the track of Blobs and to create a full file with the Combination of entries that point to the unchanged shreds of the previous version(s) and the entries that point to the newly added Changed shreds.

Q67. What Is The New Analytics Processing Component In Sharepoint?

The Analytics Processing Component in SharePoint Server analyzes both the Content and the way users interact with it. The results from the analysis are added to the items in the search index to be used by Search Web parts, Recommendation Reports, Most Popular Items reports, and other WebParts.

Q68. What Analysis Are Done By Analytics Processing Component In Sharepoint?

The Analytics Processing Component runs two main types of analyses: Search analytics and Usage analytics. Search analytics analyzes content in the search index, and usage analytics analyzes the user actions.

Q69. What Are Device Channels In Sharepoint?

With device channels in Sharepoint, you can render a single publishing site in multiple ways by using different designs that target different devices for example mobile devices, etc. These device channels can each be given a different master page and CSS file to give users a more optimal viewing experience.

Q70. What Is Device Channel Panel Control In Sharepoint?

Device Channel Panel is a new control that you can include in a page layout to control what content is rendered in which channel. The Device Channel Panel is a container that is mapped to one or more channels.

Q71. How Does Backward Compatibility Works In Sharepoint?

In Sharepoint with the new Compatibility Level parameter of Install -SPSolution cmdlet, you can now deploy your .wsp or Solution to either 14 hives or 15 hives, or both.

Q72. What Is Distributed Cache Service?

The Distributed Cache service provides caching features in SharePoint Server . The microblog features and feeds rely on the Distributed Cache to store data for very fast retrieval across all entities. The Distributed Cache service is built on Windows Server AppFabric, which implements the AppFabric Caching service. Windows Server AppFabric installs with the prerequisites for SharePoint Server .

Q73. What’s New With Web Content Management In Sharepoint?

For End-users and Contributors, some very Interactive features such as Drag and Drop of documents, Convert to PDF(Print to pdf), Quick edit (datasheet view), Document Library Search(Find a File), Get Embed code for documents, and Out of box PDF Support, etc. has been added in Web Content Management.

Q74. What Is The New Out-of-box Pdf Support?

Sharepoint now offers Out-of-box PDF Support and what that really means is that the PDF icon is now natively supported and PDF, when opened in SharePoint, will try to open in the Adobe Reader and prompt user to either checkout & open or open the file in PDF directly.

Q75. What Is Embed Code And How Do You Get Embed Code For A Document?

SharePoint provides support to get embedded Information for documents and other digital content types such as Videos, Audio, etc. to be added on any SharePoint Page or in a Microblogging feed.

Q76. What Are The New “digital Content Types”?

In SPFX Microsoft has introduced a new set of content types called digital Asset Content Types for better use of Audio, Video, and Images as Web Content. These content types can be added to any library and can be used as one of the items files.

Q77. How Does The New Video Content-Type Work In Sharepoint?

Video Content type added to Sharepoint is a very useful addition for Content Authors. The Improved Assets Library provides support for Video Content Types and provides various Out-of-Box views like ?thumbnails?and Out-of-Box pages like video pages to View Videos in a very interactive way.

Videos in SharePoint are organized in a manner similar to “document sets”. SharePoint Creates a stub (think of it as a folder) to hold a video and all the related contents, such as user-defined properties, thumbnails, video renditions, and other documents related to the video. You can use the Video Content-Type in Asserts Library properties.

Q78. What Players Are Supported For Playing Sharepoint Video Files?

Sharepoint supports two Video players – an HTML 5 player and a Silverlight player.SharePoint chooses the player automatically, depending on the video format that it encounters in the video set (the collection of files that are related to the video). If the format can be played on the HTML 5 player, SharePoint uses the Silverlight player.

Q79. What Is “Image Renditions”?

Image renditions enable you to render a single image in multiple ways. An image can be displayed in various sizes or with different cropping.

Q80. What Is The New Iframes Support In Sharepoint?

SharePoint was added with the new Out-of-Box Support for IFrames.Admins can now embed dynamic content from other sites, such as YouTube videos or maps to any SharePoint site by using IFrames. Admins would need to add the Domain for the external site in TML Field Security first.

Q81. How Would You Use the “Related Items” Column?

A new Column type related to Items has been Introduced in Sharepoint where you can add a reference to another Item or a document from any ListLibrary as a related entity to one of the Items using the Related Items column.

Q82. What Is Cross-site Publishing?

Cross-Site Publishing is a new feature in SharePoint Server  that enables you to reuse content across site collections, web applications, and farms. You can use cross-site publishing to Create branded Internet, intranet, and extranet publishing sites.

Q83. What’s New With Social Capabilities In Sharepoint?

In Sharepoint Microsoft has Introduced new Social Capabilities to let users Collaborate Socially in the Company. My Sites have been enhanced Incredibly to Integrate these Social features. Some of the new Features added are Community Sites, Microblogging, NewsfeedSite feed, Follow people, and Follow Sites.

Q84. What New With Development In Sharepoint?

Apart from the new App Model for Creating Custom Components, Microsoft has added a few new Namespaces to work with newly added – Social, Event Receivers, Delegate Controls, Callout Popups, and other Custom Components in Sharepoint. In addition to these classes, a few new templates in Visual Studio 2012 has also been added to create better solutions.

Q85. What’s The New App Model?

Sharepoint Introduces a Cloud App Model that enables you to Create apps. Apps for SharePoint are self-contained pieces of functionality that extend the capabilities of a SharePoint website. An app may include SharePoint components such as lists, workflows, and site pages, but it can also surface a remote web application and remote data in SharePoint.

Q86. What Kind Of Apps Can Developed?

The Code for an app runs in different places, depending on where your app is hosted. They never run in the context of SharePoint Server, but they will run in the context of the browser or in the context of the hosted platform. You Can Develop three kinds of Apps –SharePoint-hosted apps Provider-hosted and auto-hosted apps. In the cloudApps that have a mix of Components in SharePoint and in the cloud

Q87. How Do You Force A Solution To Be Deployed To 15 Hive And Not 14 Hive?

If the solution was created in Visual Studio 2010, you would add SharePointVersion=”15.0″ attribute in Solution’s manifest.xml file to force it to deploy in 15 Hive instead of 14 Hive. If the Solution however is Created in Visual Studio 2012, you don’t need to do anything, it gets deployed to 15 Hive by default.

Q88. How Do You Deploy Solution To 14 Hive Or 15 Hive Without Modifying Solution.?

In Sharepoint with the new compatibility Level parameter of Install-SPSolution cmdlet, you can now Deploy your wsp Solutions to 14 hives, 15 hives, or both.

Q89. Can You Deploy Master Page And Custom Css From Sharepoint 2010 In Sharepoint?

Master Pages and CSS has Changed a lot in Sharepoint. You can deploy a master page in the Master page gallery but the styles from old core.css need to be updated.

Q90. Can You Use Fabulous 40 Templates In Sharepoint?

As per MSDN, Microsoft is not Creating any New Versions of these Templates. The old Sites based on these templates Can be upgraded only if the Templates are Installed successfully in Sharepoint. You can try installing wsp of Fab 40 with CompatabilityLevel as 15 and upgrade the existing site collections.

Q91. How Would You A Migrate A Site Collection In Sharepoint?

Backup and Restore SharePoint 2010 Content database in your Sharepoint farm.

Run Test-SPContentDatabase cmdlet to identify missing Components along with potential errors and related warnings. Check the upgrade log and deploy any missing components and re-run the cmdlet to verify.

Attach the Content database to the desired web application using Mount-SPContentDatabase cmdlet.

After successfully mounting the content database to the web application, the site should be accessible in 14 modes.

Next, to Upgrade the site to 15 Hive, Navigate to SiteUpgrade.aspx page in Site Setting of your site collection.

Click on the “Upgrade the Site Collection” button.

During the upgrade, The SiteUpgrade.aspx page shows the progress and provides a link to an upgrade log for troubleshooting purposes.

Site Collection Should now be accessible in 15 modes.

Q92. Can I Turn Off Social – Follow & Site Feed-In Sharepoint?

Yes, You Can de-activate Follow & Social by disabling the following Content feature and site Feeds feature on the Team site(in the written Order). By default, the Site feed feature on a team site is enabled.

Q93. What Is Suitebarbrandingdelegate Delegate Control Used For?

SuiteBarBrandingDelegate Delegate Control is responsible for displaying ‘SharePoint’ or ‘Office 365′ text on the top left of the new Sharepoint site (in the blue bar). This text can only be replaced by Overriding SuiteBarBrandingDelegate Delegate Control with a custom Custom Control Created using Visual Studio.

Q94. What Is Suitelinksdelegate Delegate Control Used For?

SuiteLinksDelegate Delegate Control is responsible for displaying Links “NewsFeed, SkyDrive and Sites” in top right of the new Sharepoint site (in the blue bar). These links can be replaced by Overriding SuiteLinksDelegate Delegate Control using a Custom Control Created using Visual Studio

Q95. What is CAML in SharePoint?

In SharePoint CAML is very much helpful, CAML stands for Collaborative Markup Language. We use CAML in SharePoint to query and update SharePoint objects like list, library, columns, etc.

SharePoint provides a CAML query builder that we can use to make the CAML query.

Q96. What are workflows in SharePoint?

This is another popular Sharepoint interview question for experienced developers you will get in interviews. 

In SharePoint, we can make automate the repetitive tasks that we usually do in our organizations. In SharePoint, we can develop workflows using SharePoint designer, visual studio, or even we can use the SharePoint out-of-box workflows.

From SharePoint 2016 onwards there is no new SharePoint designer and Microsoft is not recommending using designer workflows. Instead, we should use Microsoft flow or Power automate to develop flows in SharePoint Online.

Q97. What are content types in SharePoint?

According to Microsoft, A content type is a reusable collection of metadata (columns), workflow, behavior, and other settings for a category of items or documents in a SharePoint Server list or document library.

Q98. What is the various zone in SharePoint?

There are 5 types of zones in SharePoint:

  • Internet
  • Intranet
  • Extranet
  • Custom
  • Default

All zones use the same web application, contents. But all these zones will have their own port numbers, protocols. We create zones to implement different authentication methods for different zones.

Q99. Can we create a web application in SharePoint Online?

No, we can not create web applications in SharePoint Online. Microsoft does not allow us to create a web application in SharePoint Online, we just can be able to create site collections in SharePoint Online.

Q100. What are SharePoint Apps or SharePoint Add-ins?

A SharePoint Add-in is a self-contained piece of functionality that extends the capabilities of SharePoint websites to solve a well-defined business problem.

Previously it was named SharePoint apps and then later Microsoft renamed it to SharePoint add-ins.

Q101. Can we use SharePoint server object model code in SharePoint Add-ins or SharePoint Apps?

No, we cannot use SharePoint server object model code in SharePoint apps or add-ins. In SharePoint hosted add-in we can use JSOM code and in provider-hosted language, we can use CSOM.


With this, we have come to the end of the Sharepoint framework interview questions blog. I hope these Interview Questions will help you conduct and face interviews. In case you have attended any SPFx interviews in the recent past, do share those interview questions with us at we’ll answer them.

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Soujanya Varada
Soujanya Varada
As a technical content writer and social media strategist, Soujanya develops and manages strategies at iMocha. With strong technical background and years of experience in content management, she looks for opportunities to flourish in the digital space. Soujanya is also a dance fanatic and believes in spreading light!
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