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How to Hire Python Developers in 2023

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19 March, 2023

Python is the third most-demanded programming language by recruiters in the world, per Statista.

This wildly popular programming language is used by developers for a wide range of applications, including web development, data science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and more.

Its versatility and simplicity have made it an essential tool for businesses across various industries. Consequently, companies are increasingly recognizing the importance of Python, and hiring the right Python developer is becoming a pivotal part of their success.

In this blog, we will explore:

  • The significance of Python in the industry and how it has revolutionized the way businesses operate.
  • The key skills and traits to look for when hiring Python developers to ensure recruiters find the right fit for the organization.
  • How to hire the right Python developers and leverage the language's capabilities to improve operations, gain a competitive edge, and drive innovation.

To make the most out of the recruitment process, organizations must leverage a skills assessment platform like iMocha. The tool accelerates the hiring process and improves decision-making for recruiters.

What is Python, and What is the Role of Python Developers?

Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used in web development, scientific computing, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and other fields.

It was first released in 1991 and has since grown in popularity due to its ease of use, readability, and extensive libraries.

The Role of Python Developers

Python developers are professionals who use Python to:

  • Create software applications, automate tasks, and perform data analysis.
  • Write code, debug programs, test applications, and deploy them to production environments.
  • Improve and maintain existing Python projects.
  • Build software applications using various tools (such as editors, debuggers, testing frameworks, etc.) and frameworks (think: Django, Flask, Pyramid, NumPy, and more).

Key Skills and Knowledge Required for Python Developers

Python developers typically have:

  • A strong background in computer science, programming, and software engineering.
  • A bachelor's or master's degree in computer science or a related field, or they may have acquired their skills through self-study and practical experience.
  • Good problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and the ability to work collaboratively with others.

Here are the key skills and knowledge required to become a Python developer:

  • Proficiency in Python: They should have a strong foundation in Python syntax, data types, and control structures. They should also be familiar with object-oriented programming, functional programming, and modular programming.
  • Understanding of data structures and algorithms: Knowledge of data structures and algorithms is essential for solving complex problems efficiently.
  • Familiarity with web frameworks: Python developers should be familiar with popular web frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid. These frameworks are used to build web applications quickly and efficiently.
  • Experience with databases: Python developers should have experience working with relational databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or SQLite. They should also be familiar with non-relational databases like MongoDB and Cassandra.
  • Knowledge of front-end technologies: Python developers should have knowledge of front-end technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This will help them develop and integrate front-end components with their back-end applications.
    Click here to discover how to evaluate frontend developers and assess your candidates.
  • Understanding of version control: Version control is essential for collaborative software development. Python developers should be familiar with version control systems like Git.
  • Familiarity with software testing: Python developers should have experience writing unit tests, integration tests, and functional tests. They should also be familiar with testing frameworks like pytest and unittest.
  • Familiarity with DevOps tools: Python developers should be familiar with DevOps tools like Docker, Kubernetes, Jenkins, and Ansible. These tools are used for continuous integration and deployment of software applications.
  • Understanding of machine learning and data analysis: Python is widely used for machine learning and data analysis. Python developers should have a basic understanding of machine learning algorithms, data preprocessing, and data visualization.
  • Good communication skills: Python developers should have good communication skills to collaborate with other developers, project managers, and clients.

Long story short, Python developers should have a strong foundation in Python programming, web development, databases, version control, testing, DevOps, machine learning, and data analysis.

Good communication skills are also essential for effective collaboration with others.

Recruiters who want to roll out customized Python tests must consider iMocha's basic, medium, and high-difficulty Python coding tests.


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Things to Consider Before Hiring a Python Developer

When considering how to hire Python developers, there are several things to keep in mind:

  • Technical Skills: A Python developer should have a strong understanding of Python programming language, its core libraries, and frameworks. Hiring managers should look for candidates with experience in building applications using Python and other relevant technologies.
  • Experience: Look for candidates who have experience working on projects similar to what your organization is looking for. This will ensure that the candidate can hit the ground running and is familiar with the industry's best practices.
  • Soft Skills: Soft skills such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management are essential for any job role. Look for candidates who have strong interpersonal skills, can work well in a team, and can communicate effectively.
  • Education: While formal education is not always necessary, it can be an added advantage. Look for candidates who have a degree in computer science or a related field or have relevant certifications.
  • Portfolio and Github: Candidates with an active Github profile and a strong portfolio of projects can demonstrate their coding skills and their ability to work with others on collaborative coding projects.
  • Cultural Fit: It is important to consider whether the candidate's values, work style, and personality align with the company culture. This can be assessed through informal conversations and reference checks.

How Hard is it to Hire Python Developers?

Recruiters may face difficulty in hiring Python developers depending on a variety of factors, such as location, level of experience, and specific skills required for the role.

The major challenges of hiring Python developers include the following:

  • High demand: Python is one of the most popular programming languages, and there is a high demand for skilled Python developers across various industries. This means there is fierce competition among companies for a limited pool of qualified candidates.
  • Limited talent pool: While Python is a popular language, not all developers have the necessary skills and experience to work with it effectively. By extension, finding the right candidate for the job, particularly if recruiters have specific requirements or are looking for developers with niche skills, can become challenging.
  • Cost: Skilled Python developers can be expensive to hire, particularly if recruiters are looking for experienced professionals. This can make it difficult for smaller companies or startups with limited budgets to compete for top talent.
  • Technical screening: Python is a versatile language, and developers may have experience in different areas, such as web development, data analysis, or machine learning. As a result, technical screening can be challenging, and it can be difficult to assess a candidate's proficiency in the areas needed.

The takeaway: While there is a large pool of Python developers, hiring the right one can be challenging. It may require a combination of competitive compensation, effective recruitment strategies, and targeted technical screening to find the right fit for the organization. Rest assured, we are here to assist you in understanding how organizations hire Python developers.

How to Hire Python Developers: Best Practices

Hiring the right Python developer is crucial for building a successful software project. Let's now look at a few best practices on how to hire Python developers:

  • Define project requirements: Before recruiters start the hiring process, they must have a clear understanding of the project requirements. They must also determine the skills, experience, and qualifications needed in the ideal candidate.
  • Look for specialized skills: Python is a versatile programming language, and developers can specialize in various areas, such as web development, data science, machine learning, and more. This is why recruiters must look for candidates with specialized skills that match the project's needs.
  • Use multiple channels to source candidates: To find the best candidates, use multiple channels to source candidates, such as job boards, social media, and professional networks. Hiring managers can also consider using a skills assessment platform to help find top talent.
  • Conduct technical assessments: Technical assessments are an essential part of the hiring process. Recruiters can use coding challenges or quizzes to evaluate the candidate's technical skills and problem-solving abilities.
  • Assess soft skills: Soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, and problem-solving, are equally important as technical skills. Hiring managers must look for candidates who demonstrate excellent soft skills, as they can contribute to a positive and productive work environment.
  • Conduct interviews: Hiring managers should conduct interviews with shortlisted candidates to assess their suitability for the role. They must ask questions that relate to their experience, technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and soft skills.
  • Check references: After interviewing candidates, it is important to check their references to validate the candidate's skills and experience.
  • Offer competitive compensation: Finally, hiring managers must make sure that they offer competitive compensation to attract and retain top Python developers. They must also conduct market research to determine the average salary for Python developers in the region and industry.

By following these best practices, hiring managers can increase their chances of hiring the right Python developer for the organization.


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Average Salaries for Python Developers

According to data from Payscale, the average salary for a Python developer in the United States is $76,696 per year.

However, the average salaries can vary widely depending on factors such as experience level, geographic location, industry, and specific job responsibilities.

In addition, here are a few data points to give you a better idea of the range of salaries for Python developers:

  • Junior Python Developer: $71,452 per year.
  • Mid-level Python Developer: $1,12,500 per year.
  • Senior Python Developer: $1,36,150 per year.
  • Python Developer Manager: $138,274 per year.

Here are some steps hiring managers can take to determine the average salary for Python developers:

  • Research job postings: Look for job postings in your area that require Python skills and take note of the salary range offered. Websites like Glassdoor, Indeed, and LinkedIn are good resources for this.
  • Use online tools: Various online tools can help hiring managers determine the average salary for Python developers based on different criteria. For example, PayScale and provide salary estimates based on factors such as location, years of experience, and job title.
  • Check with professional associations: Professional associations for developers in the area may have data on average salaries for Python developers. Recruiters can also check with recruiters or staffing agencies who specialize in tech jobs.
  • Talk to industry contacts: Reach out to other Python developers or professionals in the tech industry and ask about average salaries in the area. They may have insights into salary trends and what companies are paying.

Remember that salary ranges can vary widely depending on the factors mentioned above. It's important to consider all relevant information when determining the expected salary of a Python developer.

How to Hire Python Developers: A 5-Step Hiring Strategy for Recruiters

Here's an expert-approved 5-step how to hire Python developers strategy that every hiring manager can use (and benefit from):

Step 1: Identify the Requirements for the Role
The first step in hiring Python developers is to identify the requirements for the role. This involves understanding the skills and experience needed to be successful in the position.

Consider the nature of the project or company, the complexity of the tasks that the developer will be responsible for, and the specific Python frameworks and libraries you use.

Step 2: Create an Effective Job Description
An effective job description for Python developer will help attract qualified developers. Make sure to include the job title, responsibilities, qualifications, and required skills.

Emphasize any benefits the company provides, such as opportunities for professional development or remote work.

Step 3: Post Job Opening Posts on Job Portals
The next step is to post the job opening on popular job portals like LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor. Be sure to include relevant keywords that will help the job posting appear in search results.

Step 4: Identify the Right Sources for Finding Python Developers
In addition to job portals, recruiters can also consider other sources for finding Python developers, such as tech communities, forums, and social media groups.

They can also attend networking events or reach out to recruiters to help identify potential candidates.

Step 5: Use Skills Assessment Test to Screen Candidates
Once the potential candidates have been identified, recruiters can use a skills assessment test to screen them. The test should assess the candidate's knowledge of Python, relevant frameworks and libraries, and problem-solving skills.

Consider using online coding challenges or take-home assignments to assess the candidate's abilities.

Pro tip: Hiring managers must also make sure to conduct thorough interviews with the shortlisted candidates to assess their communication skills, personality, and cultural fit with the organization. Explore our diverse selection of python interview questions designed to evaluate candidates for successful hiring.

How iMocha Can Help Assess the Right Python Developers

iMocha is a platform that offers a range of skills assessment tests to help employers evaluate the technical skills of potential hires. One of the key features of iMocha is its ability to customize assessments based on job roles.

iMocha provides assessments for junior, intermediate, and expert-level Python developers, ensuring that recruiters are evaluating candidates at the appropriate level for the role they are hiring for.

Specifically, for Python developers, iMocha provides a variety of assessments that test their knowledge of the language, frameworks, libraries, and data structures.

Why Use iMocha's Coding Simulator?

The iMocha coding simulator is another valuable feature that enables hiring managers to assess a candidate's coding skills in a simulated coding environment.

This simulator provides a realistic coding environment where candidates can write, compile, and execute Python code, allowing recruiters to assess their skills in real time.

All-Round Benefits of Using Skills Assessment Test to Hire Job-Fit Candidates

Using skills assessment tests like iMocha can provide several benefits when it comes to hiring the right Python developer for your team:

  1. It ensures that the recruiters are evaluating candidates based on their actual skills and abilities rather than relying solely on their resume or interview performance.
  2. It helps identify top candidates quickly, saving time and money in the hiring process.
  3. It can help reduce the risk of hiring the wrong candidate, ultimately leading to a more productive and successful team.

The Biggest Takeaway: Hiring the Right Python Developers is a Game-Changer

Hiring the right Python developers can be a game-changer for a few reasons:

Python Developer Advantages

Organizational Benefits

  • Increased Efficiency:
    Skilled Python developers have a deep understanding of the language and its libraries, which means they can create efficient and optimized code.
  • This leads to faster development times, lower maintenance costs, and improved performance.

  • Versatility:
    Python is a versatile language that can be used for a wide range of applications, from web development to scientific computing.
  • Hiring experienced Python developers can ensure that the organization is able to take full advantage of Python's capabilities, no matter what the specific needs may be.
  • Innovation:
    Python is a rapidly-evolving language with a large and active community.

  • Hiring experienced developers who are familiar with the latest developments in the language and its ecosystem can help the organization stay on the cutting edge of technology and take advantage of new tools and libraries as they emerge.
  • Flexibility:
    Python is a language that can be used by developers of all levels, from beginners to experts.
  • This means that hiring Python developers can give you flexibility in terms of the size and skill level of your development team, allowing you to scale up or down as needed.

The takeaway:
Hiring the right Python developers can help the organization build better, more efficient, and innovative software, giving you a competitive edge in the industry.

In Summary

iMocha can iron out several challenges while hiring Python developers. This AI-powered assessment platform helps recruiters by offering the following features:

  • Comprehensive assessments: iMocha offers a comprehensive range of Python assessments that test candidates on various aspects of Python programming, including data structures, algorithms, object-oriented programming, and web development.
  • Real-time coding tests: iMocha's coding assessments are designed to evaluate the candidate's real-time coding skills. The platform provides an integrated coding environment that simulates a real-world coding environment.
  • AI-based proctoring: iMocha's AI-based proctoring technology ensures that the assessments are conducted in a fair and secure manner. The technology uses advanced facial recognition and keystroke analysis to detect any fraudulent behavior.
  • Customizable assessments: iMocha's Python assessments can be customized to suit the specific needs of an organization. This means organizations can create assessments that test candidates on skills that are relevant to their business.
  • AI-LogicBox: iMocha's AI-LogicBox is an advanced and powerful automation tool that enables recruiters and HR professionals to automate their recruitment workflows, reduce manual effort, and save time in the hiring process.
    The tool leverages AI and machine learning algorithms to automate various recruitment tasks, such as candidate screening, assessment, and shortlisting.

Key Features of AI-LogicBox:

  • Automated Candidate Screening: The AI-LogicBox automates candidate screening by analyzing resumes and matching them against predefined job requirements.
  • Customizable Assessments: HR professionals can create customized assessments based on specific job roles and requirements using the tool's assessment builder feature.
  • Automated Shortlisting: The tool automatically shortlists the most suitable candidates based on their resumes and assessment scores.
  • Analytics and Reporting: The tool provides real-time analytics and reports on various recruitment metrics, such as time-to-hire, cost-per-hire, and candidate conversion rates.
  • Integration: iMocha's AI-LogicBox integrates with various applicant tracking systems (ATS) and HR tools, such as LinkedIn, Greenhouse, and Workable.

Key Benefits of AI-LogicBox:

  • Saves Time: The tool automates many time-consuming recruitment tasks, reducing manual effort and saving HR professionals valuable time.
  • Reduces Bias: The AI-LogicBox uses an unbiased algorithm to screen and shortlist candidates, reducing the risk of bias in the recruitment process.
  • Improves Quality of Hire: The tool's customizable assessments and automated shortlisting ensure that only the most suitable candidates are considered for a role, improving the quality of hire.
  • Increases Efficiency: The tool streamlines the recruitment process, reducing time-to-hire and improving overall recruitment efficiency.
  • Enhances Candidate Experience: The tool's automated screening and shortlisting process ensures that candidates receive timely feedback and updates on their applications, enhancing the overall candidate experience.


Wondering how to get your candidates to take assessments? Make them fun! Use iMocha's Coding-in-the-blanks, patented tool to create a holistic experience for your candidates and save time!



Here’s an explainer video for AI-LogicBox, in case you wish to know more about how it can help you and your hiring managers.

All in all, Python developers play a critical role in today's technology landscape.

This high-level, general-purpose programming language is widely used in various domains, including web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, machine learning, and scientific computing.

Python's popularity is due to its simplicity, ease of use, and readability, making it an excellent choice for developers of all levels.

If organizations want to build cutting-edge software applications that power the modern economy, they need to create a robust talent pool of Python developers.

Take a look at the top 15 candidate assessment tools to pick the right talent in 2023 (and beyond).



1. How much does it cost to hire Python developers?
The cost to hire a Python developer can vary depending on their experience level, location, and the complexity of the project.
On average, the
hourly rate for a Python developer ranges from $31 to $78 per hour, with senior developers charging more.

2. How do I recruit a Python developer?
To recruit a Python developer:

  • Start by posting job listings on relevant job boards and online platforms, such as LinkedIn, Indeed, and Glassdoor.
  • Attend industry events and conferences to network with potential candidates.
  • Work with recruitment agencies that specialize in technical talent to help find the right Python developer for the team.

3. How difficult is it to hire Python developers?
Hiring Python developers can be challenging due to the high demand for these skills in the market.

As Python is a popular programming language used in many industries, it can be difficult to find highly skilled and experienced Python developers who are available for hire.

Additionally, the competition for top talent can be intense, so it is essential to have a clear and compelling job description and offer competitive compensation packages to attract and retain the best candidates.


Wondering how to identify critical skills for organizational growth? Talk to our experts to learn how we enable Capgemini, Cognizant, TCS, Fujitsu and other global organizations to do so!


Ankita Kharwal
Ankita Kharwal
Content writer by day and fickle reader by night. Ankita is a creative individual who is passionate about writing and enjoys finding new and interesting ways to engage with the audience. She is writing to support iMocha in its efforts to educate people all around the world about Talent Acquisition and Talent Development. When she is not writing, she is probably spending time with her family, reading a good book, or exploring the great outdoors.
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