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5 ways to write a Great Job Description

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Nikita, iMocha

Nikita, iMocha

Content Writer at iMocha

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5 ways to write a Great Job Description

Job Description (JD) is an essential step towards attracting the right candidates or I should say, the top candidates. Does your job description stand out to attract top talent? Writing a great job description is a first step towards attracting top talent to join your company. A good job description not only attracts candidates but the right candidates. Writing a great job description is not easy. And no, you just cannot copy paste it from Google! Writing your own and unique job description will effectively communicate your company's requirements and available positions for applicants.

Zero Cost Hiring

Human resource is one of the biggest assets for any company and no doubt, this asset while acquiring requires huge cost and time. The cost of simply hiring the right person can be huge. No, I don’t want to explain the costs involved in hiring a candidate, but I do want to talk about how you can cut these costs.

A Successful Hire is the Relationship between Recruiter and Hiring Manager

What made me write this article is the agony of hiring managers they are going through and the problems recruiters are facing. Recently, a friend of my CEO visited our organization with a frustrated face. He was the Head for Marketing and Communications in his organization. My CEO asked him, “What’s your problem?”He started complaining about the employees who recently joined his organization. He said, “Recruiter is doing nothing. The candidate he selected doesn’t know the basics of marketing.” Well! This is not the scenario in his organization itself. This will resonate with you if you are a recruiter or a hiring manager.

Soft Skills - Credentials for Workplace Success

Search for ‘Soft Skills’ on Google, you will find 2, 58, 00,000 results. Huge database… Isn’t it? What was recapitulated in these searches was “what do recruiters expect from candidates while hiring?” The recruiter is the facilitator between the candidate and his next career move. Although recruiters play their cards close to the chest, definitely there are ways top talent can stand out and be discovered. Now to stand out among all other, a candidate needs to get in front of the recruiter and show him or her why he is the right one for the job. Apart from degree, credentials and technical knowledge, what will make a candidate stand out is his Soft Skills. Soft skills portray how one acts in his life and work. Studies reveal that 75 percent of success depends on people skills (soft skills) and 25 percent on technical knowledge. That does not mean technical knowledge is not important but soft skills defines who you are and how you act. Ironically, soft skills are the hardest skills to develop. So make sure you only hire a candidate after a throrough soft skill assessment using one of the best skills assessment tools.

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