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Software Testing Interview Questions

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Software Testing Interview Questions

A passionate software tester needs to possess excellent experience in software testing as well as logical and critical thinking skills. I have compiled some good questions that can be asked in the interview.

How to Evaluate & Hire Front-End Developers

Generally, your website is the first thing people interact with. Whether you are an Enterprise or a Startup you need a website that works smoothly and has a look & feel. The website can be a great attraction magnet.

Introducing iMocha Analytics - Promising a better view of 'complete test analysis'

If you're in hiring or recruiting, you know that top candidates help you take your organization a step ahead to reach new heights. At the same time, it's harder than ever to find top talent and to outperform the competitors.

iMocha Analytics - Keeping you ahead of the curve

There has been a lot of buzz about Recruitment Analytics. Many recruitment metrics like quality, time, speed, cost, and productivity are used by organizations to gain insights of the recruitment process. Agreed! These all are important. But, are you leaving behind the Pre-Employment Testing Analytics on the table?

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