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Simplify Campus Hiring With iMocha's Campus Hiring Digital Workflow Automation Tool

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Simplify Campus Hiring With iMocha's Campus Hiring Digital Workflow Automation Tool

Campus hiring season is right around the corner, and it’s time your organization strategizes its next campus hiring strategy.

Tackling Technological Changes: Navigating The Tech Skills For The Future

Since its inception during the Third Industrial Revolution, Digital Transformation has evolved from data and machine learning to encapsulate new technologies and their associated skills.

15 Industry Leaders Discuss the Future of AI in Talent Acquisition

As speculations go, AI is meant to take over most of our menial and repetitive tasks in the future. But can the same be said about Talent Acquisition?

Skills Report: Top Application Development Skills for Tech Disruptions

A significant chunk of today’s digital market comprises companies with software, applications, or platforms as their primary offering and seek individuals that can help develop innovative and cutting-edge solutions.

iMocha's Monthly Skills Report: Top Coding Skills for 2023

The year 2022 may not have been the best in terms of the world economy, but as a silver lining, it taught us a few crucial lessons about the importance of skills intelligence.

HR Budgets may need a 50% increase despite the recession

A new world of work has emerged. This year has already seen several emerging HR trends, thanks to the changing employee expectations and working styles. Turnovers are rising; wage expectations are skyrocketing; hybrid workforces need modern technologies and training, and labor shortages never seem to cease.

Understanding the Skills Gap: How can businesses overcome this issue

Skills are slowly turning into rivers. Well, not literally.

Skills Inventory: All you need to know

A skills inventory is a compilation of work-based and educational information of your employees that can help you and your company:

Top 8 Competency Mapping Tools in 2025

Organizations need to make the best use of their workforce’s skills, knowledge, and personal attributes to ensure they perform well. But how you capitalize on employee strengths clearly depends on how well you know your team.

Top 10 Skills Matrix Software in 2025

We all understand the importance your workforce holds in your organization. Still, monitoring their growth, development, and overall performance is complex without having an in-depth idea of their skills and capabilities.

Why Should Hiring Managers Use Technology For Campus Hiring?

As digitization spreads across industries and sectors, Talent Acquisition professionals have also started adopting this change to automate repetitive processes and day-to-day tasks.

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