Tanvi Sharma is a Content Strategist at iMocha. A seasoned marketer and branding consultant, she likes sewing stories together to help brands find their true and unique voice. A perfection enthusiast, she believes each and every word should serve a purpose while writing. When she’s not writing for work, she is writing fan fictions and theories, and volunteering at local animal shelters.
Women at work make up almost half of the global workforce; however, only 28% of them represent the IT industry (according to a recent Gartner report).
In 2021, 87% of the employers are willing to give more flexibility to their employees. And while 23% expect the office to be the primary area of work, 72% expect a hybrid work model. This was revealed in a recent University of Chicago study.
Attending HR conferences is a great way to broaden your understanding, learn the new ticks that keep the HR world turning, and network. They often deep-dive into specific topics and discussion areas, so more often than not, you’ll go back with actionable insights and practices that all can follow. Moreover, with the world shifting to online in 2020 and beyond, these conferences are more accessible than ever.
When you speak to the customer in their language, you ensure a few things: familiarity, relatability, and trust. Attributes that ensure you form a connection with your audience; attributes that land sales.
We’ve created a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Calendar for 2021 that you should keep handy for the year to come. This list doesn’t just cover 2021 US Holidays, but holidays and celebrations from all over the world. Let’s get right into it!
In an interview, Bill Gates said “The key for us, number one, has always been hiring very smart people.” The strategy, he expounded in the same interview, was one of picking ‘elite’ talent; talent that had the intelligence to take on challenges and understanding what needs to be done.
Fancy food, TT and foosball tables, pets on campus: these are just a few things that you promise your employees when they talk about Employee Value Propositions. In short, you sell a fun-filled, healthy work culture that nourishes you mentally and professionally.
The year 2020 has been a whirlwind for a number of reasons. But where we see its impact is primarily in our external environment. The rapid technological shift, demographic and social shift, and, of course, the pandemic has significantly impacted the way we work.
As the world of skills is evolving, it is necessary that each function evolve, too. Not just to keep up with the times, which one may mistakenly think is the primary reason, but to stay in the sphere of relevance.
91% of people evaluate the employer's brand through online and offline sources, according to the 2019 survey conducted by CareerArc.
The English language isn’t as homogeneous as one might expect it to be. There are a number of dialects and renditions, and the language itself differs in accent, spelling, grammar, and vocabulary from region to region.